• The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk - This guy is a total badass and this is such an important book. As Maria Popova from wrote, "No one has provided a more illuminating, sympathetic, and constructive approach to healing from trauma." Even if you don't think you've been affected by trauma, his ideas may still resonate with you. If you can't read the whole book, at least try to read some articles by him. You can start with my blog post here
  • Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore - I love this book! Part psychology, part spirituality, part mythology. Because depression (or anxiety or anger or envy, etc) IS one of the faces of the soul, acknowledging it, bringing it into our relationships, fosters intimacy. If we deny or cover up anything that is at home in the soul, we cannot be fully present to others. hiding the dark places results in a loss of soul. Speaking for them and from them is a way toward genuine community & intimacy. See my post here
  • Reinventing Your Life by Jeffrey Young & Janet Klosko - Do you struggle with feelings of abandonment? Mistrust? Social exclusion? Defectiveness? Failure? Unrelenting Standards? This book may help you identify, understand and heal. 
  • The Astonishing Power of Emotions by Abraham Hicks - This book gave me so many a-ha moments and just makes total sense to me. Personally, I find it easier to connect to these guys in their writings than I do in their talks. My blog posts herehereherehere