Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction: The Art of Allowing

Law of Attraction: The Art of Allowing

The Art of Allowing has to do with accepting things as they are. While this attitude of acceptance is important, it is also beneficial to learn how to positively effect change in our lives. The Law of Attraction guides us in how to manifest these changes. Now, this does not mean you can just think of what you want and it will magically happen. It is more nuanced than that. The following posts will give you some practical ideas of how to harness this power. 

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Law of Attraction: How to Manifest

Law of Attraction: How to Manifest

The Law of Attraction is the idea that what you are giving attention to is what you will attract. Sound too easy? It gets more complicated when you actually try to put this into effect. The key to The Law of Attraction is that it's not only about thinking - it's about feeling positivity, abundance, gratitude, generosity. Because it's when you really feel these ways, that's when things start to click into place for you. 

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Law of Attraction: Living in Alignment

Law of Attraction: Living in Alignment

There is nothing wrong with identifying a problem and looking for solutions. But many people become problem-oriented rather than solution-oriented, which continues to perpetuate the problem. Continuing to focus on complaints disallows improvement. The best way to accomplish an improved environment is to focus upon the best things in your current situation.  When you do this, you are in alignment with your best self. And when you are in alignment with your best self, you cannot help but uplift those with whom you come in contact. Your value to those around you can hinge on one thing: your personal alignment with yourself. 

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Law of Attraction: Upstream / Downstream Thinking

Law of Attraction: Upstream / Downstream Thinking

You know the feeling when you're paddling against a current in a river or the ocean? You're kicking and working so hard, you're exhausting yourself -and you're going nowhere. It's a frustrating and draining experience. Now picture the feeling of letting go and floating with the current, maybe down a lazy river. You are carefree and effortless and you always head in the right direction. 

Whenever you find yourself fighting too hard to make something happen, forcing a situation, or feeling generally agitated, it's a clue that you might be in an upstream moment. If so, stop what you're doing and ask: What can I do in this moment to make myself feel a little bit better? How can I reach for a better-feeling thought?

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In the Flow

Being in the FLOW state, or “in the zone.” You’re completely involved in what you’re doing. Everything goes automatically without thinking. You’re focused, concentrated, there’s a sense of ecstasy, of being outside everyday reality. Great inner clarity - knowing what needs to be done and how to do it. Nothing else seems to matter. Timelessness, hours seem to pass by in minutes. Concentration is so intense that there’s no attention left to think about other problems. Self-consciousness disappears. You’re not worrying about stupid things, regretting what you did yesterday, stressing about what you’ll do tomorrow.

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When I say FLOW I also think about upstream and downstream effort in your life. Upstream, when you're kicking so hard against a current and exhausting yourself to no avail. Downstream, when you stop fighting so hard and let the current naturally carry you. Do you know this upstream feeling I describe? When you're working way too hard to make something go the way you want, but it’s just not flowing smoothly. Versus letting go of the "This is what I want, this is how it should be" and allowing to happen whatever is naturally occurring.

Can you feel the relief in that! It gets easier. It might not be what you *thought* you wanted, but when you notice yourself working and trying too hard, just take your hands off the wheel and let go of the push. Something will happen. Not sure what, but something will - it always does.

Photo by Eliot Porter