How to Create Chemistry

How to Create Chemistry

Polarity deals with the flow of energy between two opposite poles, like the positive and negative sides of a magnet. Polarity creates energy. When we take the principle of polarity to the sexual arena, we see the importance of Sexual Polarityof the flow between masculine and feminine energies

Your biological gender does not dictate whether you "should be" more masculine or more feminine. Everyone has both energies within them and they both are important to develop.

Often times, in our society we think of masculine as macho, controlling, and aggressive and of feminine as passive, weak, and undervalued. These characteristics are partly true, but they only describe the dark energies of each. The light masculine energies include the energies of protection, giving, support, and doing. Yes, GIVING, is not a feminine energy, it is a masculine energy! Light feminine energies include those of nurturing, receiving, and being.

Those in true feminine energy do not sacrifice themselves to take care of everyone else? They actually are the ones who receive care and are cherished?? How's that for a mind fuck? 

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Why You Should Not Have Sex With Him

Why You Should Not Have Sex With Him

Ladies : No sex without commitment! 

Because of the powerful charge of the sexually-stimulated hormone oxytocin, casual, non-committed sex can trigger a bonding in women that verges on physical addiction. A woman will bond to her man after one instance of good sex. She can stay bonded to him for a year or longer, from one sexual encounter. A man may feel bonded too, but he can easily go off and bond with other women as well. To alleviate this epidemic, try drawing a line and NOT having sex with men unless you have a commitment. This commitment is for continuity, longevity and monogamy.

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True Belonging

True Belonging

The present moment of your life, when you really stop and notice it, is filled with constantly changing conditions. Yet, much of the anxiety in our lives comes from the fact that we cannot hold on to anyone or anythingHow can we ever live happily knowing that nothing lasts

In the midst of constant change, perhaps what must stop is you? Is it possible that the only thing that could stop is you? Could it also be that, when you stop, you notice and appreciate the amazing array of interconnections continuously maintaining your life and linking you with so many others?

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You're Single? There's Nothing Wrong With You

Why is it her? Why isn't it me? ... That woman in the grocery line with her little girl and her husband. It's not even envy, you're just wondering? Single people often ask themselves the question, "What's wrong with me?" The corollary question is, "What's right with her?"

Our culture encourages the idea that people searching for love have some fundamental deficiency that's preventing them from finding a partnership. So I ask you: Are your friends who are in relationships perfectly self-actualized human beings? Are they all their ideal body weight? Are they free of all their insecurities and neuroses? Then why do you think you should be? 

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